





(Education)Arab Spring Leads to Education Reform

Improved education could give disaffected youths a sense of purpose.

Protests and demonstrations in the Middle East and North Africa could lead to a revolution in the management of higher education in the region.It is believed that the Arab Spring uprisings were driven by young people who felt they had no hope.As a result, leaders in the Arab world want to develop higher education in order to give the regions youth more choices for their futures.

Rajika Bhandari, deputy vice president of research and evaluation at the Institute of International Education, said recently that it is likely that the Arab Spring will certainly affect the governance system of higher education, probably in the direction of more independence, participation and partnerships.The institute has been examining universities in the region for the past two years, and it now has some suggestions for improvement.

It is believed that the regions higher education problems stem from the fact that universities use different educational models. While some use an American system, others copy the French system, and some use a combination of the two.Bhandari says the region needs a standardized framework for its universities.Only when comparable information is available, she says, will officials know how to support and finance individual universities.


